Sonntag, 2. Mai 2010

Looking for eternal youth and fortune

Who of us wouldn't like to live long and in prosper with no financial problems? Who wouldn't like to pay all his moods and efford the things we normally need to do some economies for? We all have dreams.

And some people try to use these two elements to get our money for. And this turned into a new trend called recommendation marketing. We try, we buy and then our money is working for us. How confortable and how great for our selfestimation. And there is no catch behind. We use the product for us and it will help our health. How great can our life be. And we do not that much - just recommend.

But how real can it be? A certain US company called Monavie pretends this kind of marketing will change our life. We are using a miracle fruit Acai, helping Brasilians wokring for them who are anyway happy and we do good for ourselves. A real fairy tale comes true. And there is no catch. WOW!

As a marketeer I don't believe in anything that works for me and I have to do nothing. And all miracles are made by good PR teams. Of course, there are mircales and if we believe strongly in them they happen. But a product? No way.

I am getting in touch with Monavie a lot last days. Today I learnt a bottle of their juice cost 45 Dollars! Nice price. And to get as many oxidants as you need to rejuvenate your cells you need to drink a lot of jucie a day: 2-3 bottles, each 45 Dollars. Nice income for the producers.

The next step I saw on the net is a diet based on the consummation of this fruit:

Well... If you drink a lot, don't eat too much and take care of what you eat, you will lose weight for sure. Not only due to Acai. But the page found by me is the nly one who tries to scam us. Please take a look at this:

All what they have in common is the will to get our money. For the services that are much too overestimated for what they really deliver. I will stay at my grape jucie and will wait till I get older and see my grand-kids play in front of me and be happy about it.

Have a great rest of the Sunday.


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