Montag, 23. November 2009

Reflections on a rainy day

Hello All,

I am back on the second day. On such a rainy day as today many reflections come.

Many of us are affected by the crisis - by losing the job or having difficulties in finding clients or losing clients due to costs. Big companies were fighting against in 2008 with new improved global campaigns with enormous investments in media. Another ones were reducing stuff and the other ones were just cutting costs. Small companies tried to find another ways.

2008 and already years before showed us, we need to reflect our communication again. The traditional ways were not enough, new developed compaigns were not more unique, companies were spending too much on pitches for new big ideas. Already then you could see the new trend - away from classic. An approach to inconventional ways to attract the customers, barter deals, grow of BTL activities. All this is growing.

Why? All these unconventional ways are bringing us closer to the product. If you want to buy soem food, the most efficient way to convinve you about the quality is a degustation. Cosmetics - you can take a little test semple to see if it is something for you. And if your skin can tolerate it.

Another way to show the own capacity is to sponsor a raffle. Many hotels are giving special offers for price winning games, mostly a weekend to win. Satified customers will surely come back.

Another way are cooperations. The most popular form are promotions. If you buy a certain amount of a certain product, you will be rewarded by a special price gien by teh cooperation partner or its special offer. Some products that need to be sold, are specially prepared in cooking shows by celebrity chefs or in the restaurants taking part in the promotion.

All this is bringing the brand closer and makes it more real. Big ideas are great to give us a direction but the direct pulse is what we can held in the hand. It works and it will always work. Then what is better than this what I tested and what I liked.

Now I will go back to my Christmas observations and come back with more thoughts.

Have a great evening.


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