Sonntag, 22. November 2009

Human nature

Dear All,

It has been a long time I posted something here on.

Last weekend I saw the latest movie of Jennifer Aniston called "Love happens" (below the trailer):

and it made me think. This movie is a pure entertainment, a real women movie. But there was something in it that I had to think about.

The hero, played by Aaron Eckhard is real sould solver. He wrote a book after having lost his wife and is helping another people to work their personal losses out. So far so good. At the end, the big hero had to admit he couldn't solve his own lost.

We all are wearing masks. At work, in public and sometimes even at home in front of our loved ones. We are talking about individuality, about the same rights for men and women: women being able to lead and men being able to show their pain. And what are we doing in the end? We are sticking with good old stereotype behaviours. Women are still less paid than men and need to work twice well to get higher level jobs and men are still showing their cold side. Selling of the own grand-mother is the rule and should someone show his human nature, it is considered as a weekness. Sad but true.

You will surely say I am exaggerating. Well... Being a marketeer I am a part of people business. I see human behaviour every day. We are living in extremely unhumanitarian times: companies reducing stuff for better profit, financial crisis, envy at work and in private life, no fun at what we do, politicians without real interest of working for their voters, bosses torturing psychically their subordinates, mobbing victims etc. The list is long. We want to change this but at the end we do nothing against for two reasons: there will be always someone doing worse to get our job and it is not up to a single individual to change the world.

All this is true and that is why we have a new trend in the time of the crisis. We focuss on individuality and on our selfbeing. Wellness trend is growing - we see things under the aspect what is good for us. We take every single possibility to trea us as kings/queens and avoid travelling as tourists. We are all looking for individuality. To pemper our body and soul we are willing to spend more then usually. Fancy food, special hotels (Romantik Hotels & Restaurants, Kempinsky Ressorts, Villa Rothschild or Ar Velin Avel), special healthy sports (yoga, pilates) or wellness treatments (massages, special baths, thermal holidays) - all this is helping us to feel better. And we are dreaming of romance:

This all allows us to escape our daily pression for a while. The world of marketing knows it very well and is overflowing us with a lot of offers. Are they all worth to be taken? It is up to us to chose - by trial or recommendation.

Christmas season is approaching and the constumer is overflowed with more offers. But I will write about this next time.

Best regards,


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