Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

Public Relations

It has been a long time since I posted here last time. In this time my life moved forward and I was following trying to learn. And believe me, I learnt a lot.

One of the domaines I have been involved in, is called Public Relations. This is a wonderful subject. It demands creativity but t brings quickly results. You can really create wonderful things with but you have to take care what you are communicating. Because once the things are public, they are read, noticed and known. So, you need to think carefully before publishing. That's the point.

But if we take a look on our everyday life, this is the same what happens. We all are giving input to the world and it is read/heard, noticed and known. And we have the best and the worst public we could imagine: other people's opinion. So if we perform actions based on lower feelings like jealousy, selfishness and disdain of other people, this will be seen, noticed and known. And public opinion takes long to forget. And life is never forgetting. What a pity few of us don't respect this rule....

For my own, I will continue to follow my own rule: meeting myself every single morning in the mirror without being forced to avoid my own gaze. And this is quite a challenge today as it is easy to give in feeling the lower emotions... But I keep trying...

Have a great Sunday. 

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

A beautiful story

I found this story in a community and would love to share it with you. Unfortunately I don't know the author.

A while back, at the entrance of a gym, there was a picture of a very thin and beautiful woman. The caption was “This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?”

The story goes, a woman (of clothing size unknown) answered the following way:

“Dear people, whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, seals, curious humans), they are sexually active and raise their children with great tenderness. They entertain like crazy with dolphins and eat lots of prawns. They swim all day and travel to fantastic places like Patagonia, the Barents Sea or the coral reefs of Polynesia. They sing incredibly well and sometimes even are on CDs. They are impressive and dearly loved animals, which everyone defend and admires.

Mermaids do not exist. But if they existed, they would line up to see a psychologist because of a problem of split personality: woman or fish? They would have no sex life and could not bear children. Yes, they would be lovely, but lonely and sad. And, who wants a girl that smells like fish by his side?

Without a doubt, I’d rather be a whale."

Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

Little differencies

Everyone is talking about tolenrance. And everyone needs to tolerate the little differencies of hisown. All we expect is the others to tolerate us. But are we tolerating others? We are promising to do this but do we keep our promises?

Sure, it is not easy to do this. But if we start to do so, we set a sign. A sign that the others can follow. Then we can change the world but givin example. Not in the other way. Unfortunatelly we forget this often. And it is so easy to do.

Keeping our promises and respecting the others reminds us we are not alone. And it is a beautiful feeling to be a part of something big and important. We only need to do a little effort: practice tolerance.

Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

My name is NOT Khan

and I wish I was. I am often mean, jealous, not always honest, inpredictable, career driven, populist, conformist, going with the flow etc. But my heart wish to be like him - sometimes childish but straight forward and honest:

We all should be a little like him. Even if the world is forcing us to be so called adult, we need to keep our ideals we had as we were kids. When we believe in them, we can move mountains. Only the authenticity and credibility make us real.

Hope you enjoyed these thoughts.

Sonntag, 18. September 2011

Do it yourself is always better

It has been a long time again since I posted here the last time. Unfortunately time is passing quite quickly and work loves me so I can't be without. But it is great so as many of you can confirm.

Today on linkedin I saw an interesting article: some witnessing on not to outsourcing the own website but handling it by yourself. After the experiences of last days I can really second that affirmation.

We all have suppliers we brief on project we want to have done. And we are happy about the work done that is in many times not only time but also money consuming. Even if we have to follow every step and approve a lot of steps, this procedure is great. We know what it is done, we follow and we get results.

But what happens if we brief blindly suppliers without knowing the matters in details? In the first line we need to cut costs and choose not always the world class leader to do work. So, if this is not done perfectly, we could say "at least it was cheaper!" and we didn't spend a fortune for it.

But it is always the truth? Myself, I made experiences that it is not always a case. If the client is following the project very closely, every supplier gets some pression. If the client wants or not, this is the case and the supplier feels controlled. But the work is done in the most of times faster and better.

More money - better results? This is not necessarily true. We have a lot of little supplier companies which are cheaper but faster and sometimes even more professional. But it is always up to us to judge it. And for this we need to be interested in what we need to do for our projects, even if this is not our profession. We need to become generalists. It takes time and effort but at the end it is much faster and more efficient.

Samstag, 6. August 2011


Hello everyone,

Some breaks in writing are due to some changes we pass in our lives. This is my case. I passed from shoes to cheese domain. Why? I tell you. I love food. Aromatic, spicy, regional, festive - I like to eat. And cheese is a part of it.

Being simple customer and end user before, I was aware about camemberts, hard cheese, fresh/soft cheese. Of course I knew mozarella, blue or some regionals cheese but I didn't ask any questions on it. Right now I am discovering a wonderful world, full of aromes. The differences in the production of the same cheese is seen in the first line on regional level. If you compare for example camembert produced in Germany and the one produced in France, you will find the German one very neutral. French one will give you a great impression of degustation. You will find it maby too strong but it will be not neutral. Please take the camembert Le Rustique (45% of fat in the dry part). This product will give you the idea what real aromes mean.

What is possible for cheese, you can find also in human life. Every situation we meet has its own subtile arome. It is up to us to find it out and to act accordingly. Or to act against if the arome is not appropriated to what we need and like. The only difficulty is to find out the arome of the actual situation. Sometimes it is tto discreet to be found out immediately. But it is still there.

I will from now on study more life aromes as they are as interesting as the ones of the cheese. And sometimes even more interesting. But let me tell you that my favourite two ones are cinammon and coriandre.


Dienstag, 5. April 2011

How they see me as a person...

Dear All,

I have read today an article of a friend of mine. My dear friend, Sunny Cervantes, she wrote this. And me as a fan of her, I do have to post it here. Please take a look at:

The most impactfull part for myself was:

"I have male friends who are womanizers. I don’t condone their ways but I don’t want to judge them for it. I don’t know what goes on inside their minds and hearts. I only see and know how they treat me as a person. And they treat me with respect and decency. So, I think that for me to sit in judgment of their actions is not only unjust but extremely hypocritical."

Sunny, you are so right! We tend to see only what is on the surface and we don't take time to check what is behind. Human kind has no easy life today. And in our world, even if we have still not lived in the full emancipation, men has no an easy life. They need to always be politically correct. Every small step of bad direction can be concidered as a macho style or I take all I can get. And noone is really reflecting that this "womaninzer" style can be a trial to understand the other sex.

I can tell you once for me. I really DON'T get the man I love. And believe me, I love him more than my life and I would even die for him. But what I know is that he has the same problem with me. The only difference is: I can show my questions and fears. Him, the society is still expetcing from him to be a superman. He has no right to show any weakness. He is a man. If he shows, he is not credible.

My only thoughts are: we are still not in emancipation age. Neither for women nor for men. And both genders try to understand eachover. Please remember that.

Best regards,
